Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jadwal UMB PTN 2010

Examination Material

UMB PTN 2010 scheduled on May 22, 2010

Examination Material consists of:

Basic Reasoning 70 questions - 120 minutes consisting of:

  1. Mathematics

  2. Indonesian

  3. English

Science Reasoning about 55 questions - 90 minutes consisting of:

  1. Science Math

  2. Physics

  3. Chemistry

  4. Biology

Social Reasoning about 70 questions - 90 minutes consisting of:

  1. Economy

  2. History and

  3. Geography

Latihan of UMB PTN Test materials consist of:

Basic Capabilities consisting of:

* Basic Math Problem,

* Problem Indonesian, and

* Problem English.

The ability of IPA consists of:

* Problem of Mathematics,

* Problems of Biology,

* Problems in Physics, and

* Problem chemistry.

IPS capabilities consists of:

* Problems of Economics,

* About History, and

* Problem Geography.
IPA Group participants must follow the Basic Reasoning exam and science reasoning tests.

IPS Group participants must follow the Basic exam and the exam Reasoning Reasoning IPS.

IPC Group participants must follow the Basic Reasoning tests and exams and exams IPS group Reasoning Reasoning Group IPA.

Exam Schedule

Exam 22 MEI 2010

Following Scholarship Exam (BMU)

BMU is a mechanism for awarding scholarships to attend the Joint Entrance Exam for selection of State University. BMU applications made by schools that receive SPMB disposition of the assembly in which every school can register a max of three (3) those participants to obtain the BMU.

Schools can contact the association at SPMB
Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta 10430th
Phone: (021) 3101906, 31930339, 3160347
Fax: (021) 31930328
email: pspmbn [at]

Assessment Test Results

Trials Group

UMB-2010 PTN participants are grouped into 3 (three) groups:

1. IPA groups.
2. IPS Group.
3. IPC group (Group IPA + IPS).

Each participant who meets the requirements can follow the IPA group alone, or the IPS group, or groups of IPC, SMTA does not depend on his department.

Please note that this group apart from the majors in high school

This group affects only the courses that can be selected

Group Study Program and Total Options

* Higher Education Studies Program is divided into two groups: Group IPA and IPS Group.
* Each IPA group examinees can choose three courses at most Group IPA, from 2 (two) different PTN.
* Each participant can choose the IPS group test at the most three IPS Group study programs, from 2 (two) different PTN.
* Group exams IPC Participants can choose science and social studies course of study at most four courses, from 3 (three) different PTN.
* Participants who choose to test 1 or 2 courses of study can choose PTN PTN same or different from anywhere.
* The order option indicates the order of priority.
* Course Code can be viewed at: here

Exam Fee

* IDR. 200.000, - (two hundred thousand rupiah) per participant for the participant group or IPA alone IPS group participants only.
* IDR. 225,000, - (two hundred twenty five thousand rupiah) per participant for participants IPC Group.

Payment Method

* Payment of examination fee can be done with Bank BNI represented the nearest 46.
* Payment of examination fee can be undertaken during the year: February 22 sd May 19, 2010
* Money that is paid to the bank shall be irrevocable.
UMB-PTN Registration Exam can not be represented and implemented by:

Special Services

People with visual impairment or other special circumstances can be follow-PTN with UMB is guided by special officers.

Skills Tests and Other Exams

Trial participants who chose a course Sport and / or Art and / or Elementary School Teacher Education / Teacher Education Madrasah Ibtida'iyah (PGSD / PGMI) are required to follow the Skills Test or Other Test conducted by the College concerned.

a. Skills Test & Exam Materials Available

Arts Study Program

* General Knowledge Arts.
* Skills (how to use the tool, draw, visualize ideas, etc.).
* Test the color.

Dramatic Arts Courses, Dance and Music (Sendratasik)

* Ability basis (sense the tone-rhythm),
* Appreciation of music, and
* Interview.

Sport Studies Program

* Health Tests (not handicapped, not color blind),
* Physical fitness test,
* Skills (games, gymnastics, swimming, athletics).

Studies Program PGSD / PGMI

* Interview, and / or the other.

Skills Test Execution and Other Exams
Skills test and other tests carried out in Higher Education / Study Program is an option for examinees with a doctor certificate requirements.

Appropriate schedule (dates, locations and hours) can be asked of the respective universities. As the initial information is planned Skills exam will be held on May 23, 2010 exams

Cost Skills Test and other tests is borne by the participants, and paid to the Higher Education / Study Program is conducting a test of Rp. 150.000, - for sport and Rp. 100.000, - for the Arts.

So more efficiently, participants who choose courses that require the skills test and another test is recommended to follow the exam in the city where the study program is located.

Participants who choose 2 (two) courses of study arts / sports / PGSD should follow the second test of skill in the course.

Exam Skills, State University of Jakarta (UNJ) will be submitted later

Exam Results Announcement

a. Exam results will be announced as follows:

* The announcement by website can be accessed beginning at 18:00 am, on June 8, 2010.
* Home Page respective University
* Through the print media by each University.

b. If there is a change date of the announcement, will be informed through mass media or web site.

Full Info Click Here...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Prediksi Soal UMB PTN 2010/2011

The examination is written for UMB-PTN (Joint Admission Test State University) who organized the Association of Admissions Selection Nusantara (P-SPMBN) in 2010 just one day. In contrast to the previous year for selection to this point lasted two days.

Chairman and Secretary of the Local Committee USU Sumono Prof Ir Dr MS and Hamzah Saidina Drg Daliemunthe SpPerio (K) said this on the USU campus, Padang Bulan Medan, Tuesday (16 / 2).
Attention :
An exam is not a criterion of acceptance. Candidates do not need to test in a course or university to be chosen. Candidates may choose courses anywhere. Therefore, choose the closest examination, or the most efficient.

Drill of UMB PTN Test materials consist of:

Basic Capabilities consisting of:

* Basic Math Problem,

* Problem Indonesian, and

* Problem English.

The ability of IPA consists of:

* Problem of Mathematics,

* Problems of Biology,

* Problems in Physics, and

* Problem chemistry.

IPS capabilities consists of:

* Problems of Economics,

* About History, and

* Problem Geography.

Participants UMB-PTN year 2010 must meet the following requirements:

a. Graduate SMTA (SMA, MA, SMK SMTA foreign equivalency test, etc..) Year running and passing or exceeding 3 (three) years, (2009 and 2008).

b. Package C graduates of the current year or the year 2009 and 2008 that have report cards three years (during the relevant follow the program)

c. Physical health has not disrupt the smooth learning courses choice (as an example for the courses in learning skills needed to distinguish colors, not color blind).

"Downsizing UMB exam-PTN to just one day is very efficient for the participants, especially from outside the area. They do not have long left to live in Medan in preparing the test, so as to save costs and other accommodation," beber Sumono.

UMB-PTN stages in 2010 and simultaneously applies the same for participants 12 universities throughout Indonesia. Schedule of Activities UMB-PTN begins with payments starting at BNI February 22 to May 19 Meanwhile, On-Line registration begins 12 April -19 May Written test on Saturday (22 / 5) and the results are scheduled to be announced on June 8, 2010.

Cost-UMB form for USU this year, call Sumono not increase. Because based on information from the central committee, the price to form groups of IPA / IPS is still USD 200 thousand, as well as for the IPC USD 225 thousand. For more complete information can be accessed websit www.spmb.or.

Participating universities in 2010 UMB 5 PTN increased again, so the number of participants all become PTN PTN 12. 12 State Universities to consist of Syiah Kuala University (Unsyiah), University Malikussaleh (Unimal), North Sumatra University (USU), Andalas University (Unand), State University of Padang (UNP), University of Jambi (Unja), University of Indonesia (UI) , State University of Jakarta (UNJ), Universita Islam Negeri Jakarta, Makassar State Islamic University, the University of Palangkaraya and the State University of Semarang.

"Seeing the number of participants last year UMB in the range 28 thousand participants, the current USU local committee preparing the test site 3 sectors in the region USU campus and surrounding areas, by increasing the capacity or the capacity for an exam until they reach 31 thousand more participants," said Sumomo.

He explained, 13 faculty at USU offers 46 courses S-1 regular to the Science and Social Science. Through this path, USU will select as many as 2347 new student candidates for Academic Year 2010/2011 with subsidized tuition fees.

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